Photo: Kavanagh lab members meet Jane Goodall on her visit to UMass Dartmouth.
Graduate Students
John Lyons, PhD student: Morphological and developmental evolution in the larval brooding damselfishes, Acanthochromis and Altrichthys.
Avery Hamlin, Master’s student: Analysis of population-level variation in axial traits in several tetrapod groups from an evo-devo perspective
Amanda Redman, PhD student: Detecting inter-species hybrids in Kemp’s Ridley sea turtle populations by morphology and genetic analysis
Eman Khwaja, PhD student: Mother, calf, and juvenile behavior in Humpback whales on southern Stellwagon Bank.
Nicole Whelpley, Master’s student: Hypoxia impacts on the musculoskeletal system in embryonic anemonefishes